East Vincent Building


Welcome to East Vincent's official website.  We hope this site will be a valuable tool to help you become more familiar with our Township.
Person holding phone looking at news

Community News

The latest announcements, upcoming events, and meeting information, along with helpful links and notices are found here to keep residents up to date on the latest information.
Sewer Cover

Wastewater Services

Sewer bills are issued on a quarterly basis.  Payment is due by the last day of the month in which the bill is issued.  A late fee and interest is added to all delinquent accounts.
Blue print of plans

Ongoing Projects

This section contains the latest Subdivision/Land Development, Conditional Use, and Zoning Hearing Board applications and supporting documents such as plans and review letters from the Township Professionals.

Emergency Alert System

In this section you will find the latest emergency alerts along with ReadyChesco updates and registration information.