Darwin Schafer is the Director of Roads, Parks and Grounds. The Department is staffed by 4 full time employees.
The goals of this department are many. We strive to keep the roads safe, in good repair, clear of obstacles, including snow, ice, trees, etc. We maintain road signs to the best of our ability, mow roadsides when necessary, address drainage needs, and keep the equipment in the best mechanical condition possible.
The Township's only park "Community Park on the Ridge" is monitored for safety and cleanliness, and maintained for the enjoyment of the entire community and visitors. We strive to address resident's concerns as quickly as possible, and alert them to upcoming road projects, road closures, etc.
This web site will assist the Township's Road, Parks and Grounds Department by acting as our "bulletin board" for information and upcoming notices. Public notice will be given to update citizens on road closures and work events that may affect certain areas, and also provide information on seasonal issues such as plowing, spreading salt, etc.