
Healthy Yards benefit our whole community. A healthy yard will have a positive effect on:

  • Air and water quality
  • Stormwater management
  • Biodiversity, supporting our wild pollinators, birds, amphibians
  • Health of people and pets
  • Dark skies
  • Enjoyment of outdoor spaces
  • Neighborhood aesthetics


East Vincent Healthy Yards Recognition Program

The East Vincent Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) created this voluntary program to:


  •          Recognize residents for their positive environmental contributions to the health of our community
  •          Provide inspiration and helpful tips for those who wish to care for their yards in a healthier manner


Why It Matters

How we care for our yards can significantly impact the health of our families, pets, community, and the natural world.  Individual homeowners have the power to make a difference!


How You Can Participate

  1.       Complete the East Vincent Healthy Yard Recognition Program Application:
  1.       Qualify for Recognition:

o   Scores of 15 or higher qualify for:

  •   A certificate presented by the Board of Supervisors (BOS) at a BOS Meeting
  •   A metal EVT Healthy Yard Lawn sign
  1.       Get Inspired:
  • Feel free to complete the application as many times as you like as you take steps towards a healthier yard and improve your score!
  • Find helpful information on related topics on this webpage to help you build and expand upon your healthy yard.


Dr. Doug Tallamy’s Homegrown National Park – Dr. Doug Tallamy is the University of Delaware professor who figured out that American homeowners have the power to make a significant, positive impact on our environment by choosing to care for our yards in ways that benefit nature and our communities.

o   His Homegrown National Park website is packed with tips for homeowners. Most of the time, doing what benefits nature also saves us money and time!

  •   For instance, instead of spending lots of time and money spraying to kill mosquitos, Doug recommends putting out a container with water, straw, and a straw mosquito dunk. Sprays only kill adult mosquitos, and since they hatch daily, you need to spray unhealthy chemicals around your yard often.
  •   The dunks in water entice mosquitos to lay their eggs there, the eggs don’t hatch, and you don’t have adults to kill! A win-win-win-win situation – cheaper, less time-consuming, healthier, and more effective. Another benefit is having more fireflies, butterflies, and bumblebees around, since they are also killed by mosquito spray.
  •          National Wildlife Federation’s Native Plant Habitats\
  • The NWF’s website is chockfull of resources, videos, tip sheets, and guides to providing a healthy home for nature at our homes. They base their information on Dr. Tallamy’s research.
  • Click here to access their page where you can enter your zip code and find colorful pictures and descriptions of the best plants for our area.

Contact Us

For questions about healthy yard topics, email us at eastvincenteac@eastvincent.org.  We love sharing what we have learned!


A healthy yard can save us money and time, while adding to the beauty and comfort of our outdoor spaces. A healthy yard can make a big difference in cleaning our water and air, catching rain to manage stormwater, and providing food and shelter for wildlife, birds, and pollinators. Research shows that trees improve the physical, mental, and social health of a community. Individual homeowners have the power to make a difference!