Frequently Asked Questions


 What is the Township Right-of-Way?

Generally, the right-of-way is the edge of your property along a roadway.  Measured from the center of the road its width varies from 16 to 25 feet.  Residents should always maintain this area as it is your property; however, township employees and utility companies have the right to enter, use, maintain, and improve their particular interest along the right-of-way.  For this reason, residents should think twice before planting or placing stones or other objects in the right-of-way.  State law gives municipalities and utilities the right to remove problems or obstructions in the right-of-way at the owner’s expense.  Owners can also be held liable for harm caused to people because of obstructions or hazards in the right-of-way.

 During what hours is the Township open?

Monday through Friday, 8:00am - 4:00pm, except for advertised holidays and weather emergencies.  

 Who do we call regarding animal control?

Animal control is a police matter.  Do not take stray animals to the SPCA.  Call the police department and they will have our animal control officer handle the situation.

 Is a use and occupancy permit needed for a resale?

A use and occupancy permit is not required for a resale. However, if you are connected to public sewer there is a public sewer resale requirement, and more information can be found here

 Where do we call for certifications?

      PA American Water Company 


      East Vincent Township Wastewater Services Department 


Trash company:
      Trash and recycling is handled through a private hauler.  Please contact a hauler of your choice for these services.  


Real Estate:  

Income Tax:
Keystone Collections Group 

      724-978-0300 or 866-539-1100

Owen J. Roberts Tax Office 
