Information for Property Owners with On-Lot Septic Systems
The Township is mandated by Pennsylvania to protect public health by preventing the discharge of untreated or inadequately treated sewage. Improperly maintained on-lot sewage systems can be a source of pollution that finds its way into streams and rivers and negatively impacts public health and the environment. This ordinance puts a program in place to address these issues.
All property owners who have an on-lot sewage treatment systems are required to comply with Ordinance #240. The system must undergo routine clean out and inspection every three (3) years. A written inspection report signed by the contractor must be submitted by the property owner to the Township within thirty (30) days of the inspection.
The Township will notify the property owner of the compliance timeline. Once notified, the owner selects a licensed liquid waste hauler of their choice to pump out the septic tank. The interior of the tank, if accessible, shall be inspected to determine if the baffles are in good working order. Upon completion of the inspection, a written inspection report, which can be obtained at the bottom of this page or at the Township Office, must be submitted. The Township will accept inspections that were performed within the last 12 months (February 3, 2020 or more recent) prior to the effective date of the Ordinance as being in compliance.
If a repair is required, the Sewage Enforcement Officer must be contacted to get approval for the repair.