Planning Commission
Chairman: Austin Hodge (term expires 12/2026)
Vice-Chair: Rachael Griffith (term expires 12/2026)
Secretary: Chris Orzechowski (term expires 12/2025)
Member: Nicole Keegan (term expires 12/2025)
Member: Lawson Macartney (term expires 12/2028)
Member: Curt Schryver (term expires 12/2028)
Member: Vacant 

The seven members of the Planning Commission review sketch, preliminary and final plans prepared by development applicants in connection with residential and commercial subdivision and land development projects.  

The review process involves reviewing applications to ensure they meet the Township zoning, subdivision and land development ordinances, as well as good planning practices.  These projects are further reviewed by the Township Engineer, County and State agencies such as the Chester County Planning Commission, Health Department, and Conservation District, as well as the PA Department of Transportation, Department of Environmental Protection, Army Corps of Engineers. Our own Historical Commission and Park and Recreation Board will also ensure the plans conform to the laws and regulations of their respective jurisdictions.  The Planning Commission submits its recommendations to the Board of Supervisors for action.  In addition, some projects require special traffic and/or water resource studies along with other planning reviews.  Some planning reviews and suggested revisions are submitted by East Vincent's Township Planner at the request of the Township.  It is recommended that the developer meet with representatives from the Planning Commission and permit a site visit of the land they wish to develop.  This practice is recommended so that the developer can draw up a plan compatible with the site, its natural and historic features, and the Township's objectives. 
The public is invited to attend Planning Commission meetings for observation and comment.  Your input is vitally important to the planning review process and is greatly appreciated. 

On November 29, 2018, the Chester County Commissioners adopted Landscapes3, a comprehensive planning document for the county. The plan incorporates six goals to preserve, protect, appreciate, live, prosper, and connect our county moving forward. You can explore the plan further by clicking here.