Upcoming Events
Sustainable HOAs Initiative
The Chester County Planning is embarking on a Sustainable HOAs Initiative. Their goal is to provide information and resources to HOAs to help them break down barriers to adopting more sustainable practices. As part of this initiative will also be providing municipalities with guidance on how they can promote sustainable practices through their ordinances that new HOAs would be subject to. They are currently in the “providing education” phase and are organizing a series of virtual discussion-based programs, each highlighting a different topic relevant to HOAs. The next event will be held on Weds., 8/7 from 6:30-8 pm and will focus on Sustainable Stormwater Management for HOAs. We would encourage you to attend if you’re interested, and to spread the word in your communities! Here is the registration link: https://chesco-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZItfuqgqDopE9HauZPdnzkCvMovy3U9-uP4#/registration.